Wednesday, May 13, 2015

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #38

Spring has Sprung, the grass is ris - I wonder where the birdies is.

Not a lot to report on the Poker front since my last blog, March 1, 2015. I haven't played very much online, just under 200 games. I am slowing this $0 to $10K challenge, as I removed $2K (my just rewards) earlier. I may pick it up in the fall.

I did have a few cashes in Live tourneys: 
  1. At York Region Poker League  1st of 89 for  $2000
  2. At Lions Club                            1st of 45 for  $  660
  3. At Casino Rama                         3rd of 79 for $1368
  4. At YRPL #15, Chop for             1st of 78 for  $1400
So not a total waste for March and April.

Here is the latest chart:

Sunday, March 1, 2015

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #37

Here we go again. Another downturn!! Just like the weather during December, January and through all of February - it just won't quit.

Here's the chart:

So I am at $2293.86 as at 28Feb2015, that's $895.67 down in just 600+ games.  A drop of 28%! Brrrr!

I'll just keep doing what I do and warmer days will return. 

Hope springs eternal in the human Breast .... (Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man)
Fallsview Casino - Niagara Falls
It wasn't all bad in December, January and February. I did have some success on the green  felt at The Niagara Fallsview Poker Classic (WPT) in February and at the York Region Poker League (YRPL). 

I was 36 out of 1190, at Fallsview, on February 8 and 9, 2015, for a score of $5.58K. 
At York Region Poker League I was 1/ 89 for $2K on 27Feb2015.
Maybe the turnaround has started.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #36

It has been two months since my last Blog. Poker continues at a slower pace. Hopefully with the bad weather starting early I will be indoors a lot and thus more games.

I played only 106 games, with little success.

However I did OK playing a few live tournaments and a live cash game. These games do not count towards my $0 to $10K challenge, as that is an online challenge only.

I did win another live tourney at York Region Poker League. Here's the photo.

And here's the chart. After that nice run up from game #3650 to game # 3950 a slow decline is evident. Tournament Poker is so variable!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #35

I am still playing some live Poker. The good month I had on-line continued with this live win and my 5th Royal Flush in an online game of PLO.

September 12, 2014 

YRPL Tournament and 2014/15 Championship Qualifying Event #1 - 101 runners.

A happy poker player at 03:30 !
"3 Way Chop at 3:30 in the Morning between the PokerPilot, the AceTenBomber & Angelo K with the PP coming out on top for the trophy! "

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #34

Best Month so far.

Now at $3128.31 an increase of $926.84 in only 59 games. In an earlier Blog I have a discussion of "variance". This is a good example of upside variance. It is a win rate that is not sustainable, but I like it right now! The last month is a great example of the poker term "Run Good".

Monday, September 1, 2014

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #33

It's been a quiet summer of Poker.

Some travel to Europe and family matters kept me away from the tables. However, when I played I did well.

I was at $1,981.73 on the July 4th entry and I am now at new high of $2,231.95 for a gain of about $200.00.

The last 100 games were quite a rush; doubling my bankroll in 100 games is more than can be expected, at these stakes. (I was down to $1,000 on June 4th.) Yeah me !! lol.

Here's the chart by date:

I prefer the chart by number of games:  This chart removes time as a factor and reflects the ups & downs more accurately, I think. Given that this project is approaching it's 3rd year, I am going to consider only the number of games as a reference for future charts.

To cap the summer off, I had another Royal Flush (my 4th) on September 26, 2014.
The challenge continues.

Friday, July 4, 2014

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #32

Canada Day
4th of July
I am getting close to a new high. I attach my chart and a sample of my Excel database.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #31

The challenge continues. Since my recent monetary withdrawal from PokerStars, I have been playing on the Party Poker site. I have had a very good run.

Balance as at 24June 2014 = $1917.14. 

Here's the chart by number of games:

Monday, May 5, 2014

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #30

Time to make a withdrawal!

I have decided to take some of my "Just Rewards"! After over two years and 3500+ games it's time to take some profits. The chart below summarizes my progress in my $0 to $10K challenge. I peaked at $2059.42 and after the withdrawal, I still have enough to play with and continue the challenge.

Having never cashed out from an on-line Poker site, I wanted to test the process. The withdrawal from PokerStars was as advertised. I requested a cheque on 26Apr 2014 and received it on 05May 2014. That's 9 days and well within the promised times.

Thanks PokerStars.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #29

Things are looking up!

As at January 31, 2014 I have $1930.23 in my bankroll. So, not a bad January and start to 2014. Maybe my hand reviews and yearly review is paying off. Maybe I just got lucky?

I promised myself that I would not play any more cash games in the $10K challenge in 2014.

But... I did and won $145.01 in January. A game known as "$0.05 / $0.10 No Limit Omaha High/Low" is just so much fun... and I think one should have a little fun while one grinds away! The grind continues...................

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #28

2013 - Year In Review

It`s all about the bottom line, right?
I started the year with $1,806.85 and finished with $1,387.41. That's a loss of $419.44 or 23.2%.

My maximum bankroll was $2080.79 and my minimum bankroll was $612.00. So it was quite a ride in 2013.

Here's the 2013 chart:

On the 24th of April and the 7th of June I lost 14% and 21% of my bankroll for a huge hit.
I did have a great 25th of September with a 74% increase in my then depleted bankroll. (I finished 2nd out of 1,715 players for $514.50 on a $2.75 buy-in.)

My poorest performance was in cash games where I made $2,178.80 but lost  $2,417.80 for a net loss of $239.00. (I'll avoid cash games in 2014.)

My best games were the low buy-in Sit n Go's. An 18 person, $7.00 game, was my bread and butter profit, followed by the low buy-in large field tournaments.  So, I'll play more of these in 2014 until  my bankroll gets above $3,000.00.

Better luck next year, as the grind will continue.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #27

Two year anniversary of this challenge!

Just had a nice cash. 2nd out of 1715,  in a $2.75 buy-in on PokerStars, for $515. That's just what I need to get my challenge restarted. Did you notice the $2.75 buy-in? I am still playing micro stakes, in an effort to rebuild my Bankroll. 

Now at $1192.81. Here's the chart.

Those spikes are essential to have.

This is very typical of Tournament Poker. Lots of small loses while you wait for the big score.

This can be very challenging for those who hate  to lose. It is why Bankroll Management is such a key to success in Poker.

I started this $0 to $10K challenge to test the Bankroll Management techniques, discussed much earlier in this Blog and reproduced below;

Here's my original post from September 2011. (I have been at this for two years!)

How much money can I earn, starting with $0?

As an experiment, I have decided to try to earn as much as possible, $10,000 even, starting with $0.00.

Here's how: I'll enter some freeroll tournaments on the Betfair Poker Site. When I cash in a freeroll I'll win maybe $.02, maybe $0.10, maybe even win the freeroll and earn $1.25. 
From this small stake I'll play 'micro' level Sit n Go's and try to accumulate some $$$.

My goal is $10K, but I'll have to do very tight 'bankroll management' and it may take a long time in micro stakes, before I can move up to bigger stakes.

For example when I have $1 in my account, I'll never play for more that $0.10. If I have $10.00 in my account, I'll never play for more than $1.00 and so one. 

I'll play mostly tournaments, initially, and only with a bankroll greater than $250, would I start playing some micro stakes cash games.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #26

Played some pretty good Poker lately. Maybe this is the turnaround?

$726.35 as at September, Friday the 13th.


Monday, August 5, 2013

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #25

Ok, I tried everything. Play ABC Poker, Nit it up, move down in stakes, take some time away from the game. Position + Patience = Profit$. I still have had a very bad run.

Here's the chart:

($832.00 as at 14July2013)

Will it turn around? Is this just variance?

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #24

Loser ? Well it's not that bad, but it has been a while since I won a tournament of any significance. (Nov 17) So, at the moment I feel like a loser and my bankroll reflects my "runbad".

I am now at $1488.59, down from my high of $2089.00 on 05Jan13, or a drop of 28%. Ouch.

So, what to do?Well as I have done before, when I had a losing streak, I'll analyse my play, tighten up my starting hands, play smaller and keep 'getting it in good'. It will turn around. Note that the bankroll management techniques have prevented me from losing it all.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hendon Mob Listing

I was just listed, for my Niagara Fallsview 5th place - last year. Nice to be recognized. I note that the 2013 Fallsview Poker Classic results are listed in the database. Blair Anderson, of the YRPL and 705 Poker is listed.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #23

Bankroll (December 31, 2012): $1,808.65

I started 2012 with a bankroll of $181.30. Using my strict bankroll management techniques, I was limited to a Muti-Table Tournament buy-in of $3.62 (2%) or a Cash game / SnG Tournament buy-in of $9.05 (5%). I have come a long way. I now have $1,808.65, as at 31Dec2012.

I can now play a Multi-Table Tournament with a buy-in of $36 or a Cash game / SnG Tournament with a buy-in of $90.

My plan is to continue what has worked so far; maintain this very conservative buy-in strategy, play a mix of cash games and tournament games on 4 sites (PokerStars, PartyPoker, Betfair and Full Tilt), hope to gradually increase my bankroll and get an occasional big win.

Bankroll (January 8, 2013): $2,006.09. Here's the chart:

Monday, November 26, 2012

3rd Royal Flush

I was playing a $5 Tournament on Poker Stars and was dealt my 3rd Royal Flush in 3 years! A very rare occurrence!

Here's a link to my previous Royals and a discussion on the odds of getting one.

Kevin has a Royal Flush

Sunday, November 18, 2012

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #22

Took a shot, won $1500.

I just finished the Canada Cup II online tourney. It was a tough tourney for me. A real grind. I never had more than 15 Big Blinds all night. I finished 34/343. I was in sight of the final table and an all expense trip to the Bahamas, but busted out. My bust out hand, 99's versus villains 77's, he hit a 7 on the turn to bust me. I had only 7 Big Blinds left. Oh well, $1.5K is not a bad return for a $5 buy-in and a $5 add-on. (The payouts listed on the previous Blog were adjusted for the final number of entrants (343))

Using my bankroll rules (2% and 5%) I can now enter a multi table tournament for up to $37 and I can enter a cash game or Sit 'N Go for up to $93. It looks like I can leave the "Micros" stakes (penny poker) and play the "Low" stakes games now.

Here's my chart with a $1867.84 bankroll going forward.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #21

To Take a Shot or Not Take a Shot, That is the Question.

I have a dilemma. On November 5, 2012 I played a "PokerStars Canada Cup II $5 Satellite Re-buy" tourney, and won it! Yeah me! (I didn't re-buy but I did take the $5 add-on for a total entry fee of $10.)

The prize was an entry into the  $530 buy-in PokerStars Canada Cup II tournament or $530 tournament dollars. Tournament dollars can be used for a buy-in to any tournament, so it is real money.

The Canada Cup II tourney is online, until the final table, and then the final 9 get an all expense paid trip to the Bahamas to play off. It's all part of PokerStars Caribbean  (PCA) adventure tournament.

Here are the payouts for this tourney.

As you can see the pay outs are substantial, with $62K+ up top and $5K+ for 15th place. The top three also get a $10K buy-in to the PCA main event.

Given that there are about 300 entrants and 15 get paid with the minimum payout of $5,250, it has a huge "positive expected value" (+ev) to play in it.

When I add this $530 win to my bankroll it looks like this:

A very nice jump up. Should I take the $530 buy-in to the Canada Cup II? Does this violate my Bankroll Management challenge? Does it matter? Ok, so it is a violation of the $10K Bankroll Management 'rules' but it is simply too good a shot to pass up. This is why I grind so many hours - to get a shot at a big pay out. 

I'll play, tonight, November 17, 2012. Then when (if) I do better than 7th ($10K +) I'll have completed my $0 to $10K challenge and won a nice trip to the Bahamas !! LOL.

If I am not successful I'll be back down to about $400 and the grind will continue.

The Canada Cup tournament starts at 7:00 on PokerStars. Check out the "Tourney-Regional" tab or 
follow me on Twitter at  @PokerPilotKH.

Kevin Flops a Royal Flush

Kevin Flops a Royal Flush
A Royal Flush for Kevin