Monday, September 1, 2014

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #33

It's been a quiet summer of Poker.

Some travel to Europe and family matters kept me away from the tables. However, when I played I did well.

I was at $1,981.73 on the July 4th entry and I am now at new high of $2,231.95 for a gain of about $200.00.

The last 100 games were quite a rush; doubling my bankroll in 100 games is more than can be expected, at these stakes. (I was down to $1,000 on June 4th.) Yeah me !! lol.

Here's the chart by date:

I prefer the chart by number of games:  This chart removes time as a factor and reflects the ups & downs more accurately, I think. Given that this project is approaching it's 3rd year, I am going to consider only the number of games as a reference for future charts.

To cap the summer off, I had another Royal Flush (my 4th) on September 26, 2014.
The challenge continues.

Kevin Flops a Royal Flush

Kevin Flops a Royal Flush
A Royal Flush for Kevin