Sunday, March 1, 2015

$0 to $10K - My Way, Update #37

Here we go again. Another downturn!! Just like the weather during December, January and through all of February - it just won't quit.

Here's the chart:

So I am at $2293.86 as at 28Feb2015, that's $895.67 down in just 600+ games.  A drop of 28%! Brrrr!

I'll just keep doing what I do and warmer days will return. 

Hope springs eternal in the human Breast .... (Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man)
Fallsview Casino - Niagara Falls
It wasn't all bad in December, January and February. I did have some success on the green  felt at The Niagara Fallsview Poker Classic (WPT) in February and at the York Region Poker League (YRPL). 

I was 36 out of 1190, at Fallsview, on February 8 and 9, 2015, for a score of $5.58K. 
At York Region Poker League I was 1/ 89 for $2K on 27Feb2015.
Maybe the turnaround has started.

Kevin Flops a Royal Flush

Kevin Flops a Royal Flush
A Royal Flush for Kevin